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Wtf is strategy?

Make good bets on solutions

Wtf is strategy?

“Strategy” sounded to me like a filler word that people threw around to sound smart. Myself included. Here are 3 concepts that helped me understand strategy better:

  • Strategy is intent, not a plan or goal-setting

  • Strategy is your response to a challenge

  • Strategy is saying “NO” to things that don't matter

How to do “Strategy” in 3 steps:

1- Diagnose the root cause of the problem

2- Define the vision for success

3- Make good bets to get to # 2

You can dive endlessly into each point on this list. These are some good places to start:

‘Doing strategy’ as a product designer - Excellent write-up on strategy for designers

Good Strategy, Bad Strategy - Lenny’s newsletter is a good tl;dr on the subject

What does it mean to be strategic?

I tweaked this on Wed Jan 31 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)