2024 Year in Review
This year's theme: Scattered

I started journaling two years ago. Every day, I capture my wins and losses, my mindset, and a leverage task. I also capture some stats. Here’s my year-end summary:
😴 Average sleep: 6.8hrs. Same as 2023.
🏋🏽 I worked out 76 times. 41% less than 2023 (115 times). I hit my deadlift PR of 385lbs and then injured my back immediately after on a cooldown set of 225lbs. I was out for months.
⚖️ I weighed an average of 209lbs. I hit my lowest in 5 years (199lbs) after I started intermittent fasting this year.
✍🏽 Published 53 pieces of content (more on this next week). I’m aiming for 100 next year.
📵 I stopped tracking my phone usage because it went down dramatically (less than one hour) after I quit Clash Royale and Instagram.
✈️ I traveled the most this year than at any point in my life.
💭 Quotes that made the most impact on how I think:
— “Your reaction is your reality.”
— "You don't climb a mountain to get to the middle."
I currently have one goal in life: to be debt free.
To achieve that, I tried different hustles in 2024: writing, podcasting, publishing a newsletter, building apps, creating infographics, drawing comics, visioning, strategizing. Some things worked, most didn’t.
I didn’t set a theme for 2024. But looking back, this year’s theme would be: Scattered.
But if I didn’t try all those things, I wouldn’t know what worked.
My life in 2024 was a field of grass. I wanted to put walkways in it so I could walk through the grass easily. But where should I build the walkways? I decided to wait till the end of the year and simply look at where the grass has worn away.
Next year, I’m just going to pave those paths.
My theme for 2025: Focus. I’m going to do more of the stuff that worked.
P.S. Credit to Derek Sivers for the grass and walkways idea: make your decisions as late as possible, when you’re at your smartest.
I tweaked this on Tue Dec 31 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)